A Lesson From A Nut (no, not me...!!!)

That's a hickory nut-in case you aren't well educated on all things nuts like we are in this house. It's hard to tell by the picture, but those things are huge. They can easily cause you to lose your footing and land flat on your hiney as you casually stroll across your front yard. They can also fully convince you that an army of rebels is plowing through your roof as they fall from the trees. Not that I know either of those things from experience. Ahem. That's right, this is a God blog. Let me take that little white lie back. I know BOTH those things from experience. Multiple times. They are everywhere in our yard right now. Trampoline, driveway, grassy land, wooded area, gutters, ditch, walkway, doorstep, you name it-hickory nuts are there. They make the loudest noise you've ever heard when they fall and we are constantly noting how much it would hurt if one hit us on our head on it's way down. Just last week, I was jumping on the trampoline with my boys, ...