Use Your Words
I like to share. I just do. I'm wordy-wordy doesn't even begin to describe what I am, actually. I can take what should be a simple text, email or conversation response and turn it into a novel with all the details and information painted in my mind.
Sometimes I get on my own nerves. I really do. So, I know I get on yours...but that's ok.
It's who I am and it's how God made me and I embrace it. I'm thankful for those, such as one wonderful friend, who have told me that it's part of what makes me me and part of what makes her love me so much.
I just love to tell. Tell this, tell that. I like to tell.
I especially like to tell about those I love and cherish. I often find myself sharing how blessed I feel I am by my husband. He rocks. Is he perfect? Not by a long stretch. Does he annoy me sometimes? Absolutely. Do I annoy him? Never. :) Is our life together without bumps and bruises? Absolutely not. One day I will tell you about that.
Did he "accidently" fall asleep tonight with Walker and leave all the daily chores for me? Um...I plead the fifth. (But, yes!)
But he builds me up, he makes our family his priority, he loves Jesus and he's funny as all get out. There's never a doubt in my mind that he adores me. He's the one person on his planet I am completely confident in my relationship with, never feeling insecure. He makes me smile and when I am with him everything feels right in the world, even if it's all falling apart. I love all those things about him. I'm one of those people who just can't help but tell how blessed I feel. It flows out of me effortlessly. I get annoyed when I see that e-card on facebook that says something about Evidence of a truly happy marriage is NO evidence of it on facebook. I just disagree. I don't understand how someone can experience something wonderful and not gush about it. It's just not me. (I'm not saying every detail should go on facebook, there are definitely a thousand private moments for the one ok public one...I just don't understand why it's not ok to be vocal about the man you love.)
I think my children are hilarious and precious and that you will certainly find them just as adorable as I do-all their cute sayings and funny antics roll off my tongue as if you were also their mom and want to know every precious detail. They light up my life and because I love them so much, they are what I want to talk about-they are all I talk about. They are the cutest kids in the world, so naturally I'm compelled to text you cute pics of them doing average boy stuff.
I do a lot of sharing-these are the people I find joy in, and that joy flows out of me.
But it's been weighing on me lately, how often I share about my family, my friends, my whatever...but how much less I share about Jesus.
I'm letting that sink in as I write and it's painful. As much as I love my husband, as precious as my children are to me, as awesome as my best friends are, they pale in comparison to who Jesus is to me, what He has done for me and how He loves me. Yet, I talk incessantly about what makes them wonderful and how blessed I am about them, and so very little about what makes Jesus so wonderful and how blessed I am because of Him.
Sure, I have this blog. It's easy to hide behind a screen and share what the Lord is doing in my life. Talking to fellow Christians, close friends and family about my relationship with God, sharing my heart in Bible study, speaking at church events...all those things come so easily to me. But I'm telling the ones who already know who He is. It's much harder for me to speak verbally about who the Lord is to those I fear may reject me.
The very One who breathed life into me and made me who I am-wordiness and all, gets so little of my words, so little of my outward praise in comparison to those who are with me only temporarily. My heart breaks over this.
So while I believe it's good and appropriate to build up those who are important to you through your words, I'm challenged to focus a little more on using this "gift" God gave me of "sharing so much" to share the story of how He rescued me from the depths of sin, how He continues to time and again, how He has redeemed my story and has recently healed wounds that I thought would be open forever, how He's constantly at work inside me changing me from the inside out. Jesus spent his life on Earth telling others about God's plan for salvation, sharing with others how they could experience the grace filled gift of forgiveness and redemption, loving on those who were viewed as invalids and sinners, the filthy and diseased. I want so desperately to be like Him, to follow His example.
Lord, help me to love to tell your story as much as I love to tell my own.
Sometimes I get on my own nerves. I really do. So, I know I get on yours...but that's ok.
It's who I am and it's how God made me and I embrace it. I'm thankful for those, such as one wonderful friend, who have told me that it's part of what makes me me and part of what makes her love me so much.
I just love to tell. Tell this, tell that. I like to tell.
I especially like to tell about those I love and cherish. I often find myself sharing how blessed I feel I am by my husband. He rocks. Is he perfect? Not by a long stretch. Does he annoy me sometimes? Absolutely. Do I annoy him? Never. :) Is our life together without bumps and bruises? Absolutely not. One day I will tell you about that.
Did he "accidently" fall asleep tonight with Walker and leave all the daily chores for me? Um...I plead the fifth. (But, yes!)
But he builds me up, he makes our family his priority, he loves Jesus and he's funny as all get out. There's never a doubt in my mind that he adores me. He's the one person on his planet I am completely confident in my relationship with, never feeling insecure. He makes me smile and when I am with him everything feels right in the world, even if it's all falling apart. I love all those things about him. I'm one of those people who just can't help but tell how blessed I feel. It flows out of me effortlessly. I get annoyed when I see that e-card on facebook that says something about Evidence of a truly happy marriage is NO evidence of it on facebook. I just disagree. I don't understand how someone can experience something wonderful and not gush about it. It's just not me. (I'm not saying every detail should go on facebook, there are definitely a thousand private moments for the one ok public one...I just don't understand why it's not ok to be vocal about the man you love.)
I think my children are hilarious and precious and that you will certainly find them just as adorable as I do-all their cute sayings and funny antics roll off my tongue as if you were also their mom and want to know every precious detail. They light up my life and because I love them so much, they are what I want to talk about-they are all I talk about. They are the cutest kids in the world, so naturally I'm compelled to text you cute pics of them doing average boy stuff.
I do a lot of sharing-these are the people I find joy in, and that joy flows out of me.
But it's been weighing on me lately, how often I share about my family, my friends, my whatever...but how much less I share about Jesus.
I'm letting that sink in as I write and it's painful. As much as I love my husband, as precious as my children are to me, as awesome as my best friends are, they pale in comparison to who Jesus is to me, what He has done for me and how He loves me. Yet, I talk incessantly about what makes them wonderful and how blessed I am about them, and so very little about what makes Jesus so wonderful and how blessed I am because of Him.
Sure, I have this blog. It's easy to hide behind a screen and share what the Lord is doing in my life. Talking to fellow Christians, close friends and family about my relationship with God, sharing my heart in Bible study, speaking at church events...all those things come so easily to me. But I'm telling the ones who already know who He is. It's much harder for me to speak verbally about who the Lord is to those I fear may reject me.
The very One who breathed life into me and made me who I am-wordiness and all, gets so little of my words, so little of my outward praise in comparison to those who are with me only temporarily. My heart breaks over this.
So while I believe it's good and appropriate to build up those who are important to you through your words, I'm challenged to focus a little more on using this "gift" God gave me of "sharing so much" to share the story of how He rescued me from the depths of sin, how He continues to time and again, how He has redeemed my story and has recently healed wounds that I thought would be open forever, how He's constantly at work inside me changing me from the inside out. Jesus spent his life on Earth telling others about God's plan for salvation, sharing with others how they could experience the grace filled gift of forgiveness and redemption, loving on those who were viewed as invalids and sinners, the filthy and diseased. I want so desperately to be like Him, to follow His example.
Lord, help me to love to tell your story as much as I love to tell my own.
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