
I like words. I mean, I REALLY like words. I think there is such beauty in both written and spoken language. If you open safari on my phone, you’ll likely find an online dictionary open in the first tab, if Amazon Prime hasn’t claimed its spot that particular day. (I also love Amazon Prime). 

I look up definitions all the time. Ask anyone who knows me better than most. I’m obsessed. 

I write words. I speak words. I teach words. These days I even hang words...ALL OVER MY HOUSE! (My best friend and I have admitted we have a problem with this. We have a pact: no more words on the wall. Then Hobby Lobby and Southern With Grace happen. Words, words, words). 

They just call out to me. They speak to me. They give me expression. I love word meaning. 

At the beginning of each year, I ask the Lord to give me, you guessed it, words. Words for the year, words He wants me to hear. Words he wants me to live. Last year he gave me one word. Peace. This year, like on the interior walls of my house, words just keep on coming. 

One of the words He has given me in 2018 is Victory. I heard this word from Him a few times before I was fully convinced this was something He was speaking over me. Specifically, victory over the idols of my heart, most persistently the opinions of and acceptance from others. Victory over these elements of distraction that the enemy so keenly orchestrates. Victory that is already mine, as I choose to receive it. Victory that diminishes those desires, and brings freedom. 

As Christians, we hear the truths of God all the time. We do Bible studies, attend church services, spend our own personal time with God, we listen to worship music and sing it in church, our cars, the shower. Our lives are immersed in the truth of God’s word. We hear it everywhere, and we purpose to believe and follow in obedience. 

But here’s what I am learning. There is a huge, hear me, GINORMOUS, difference in hearing God’s truths or a “word” from Him, and actually receiving that word. 

Merriam-Webster defines the word “hearing” as gaining knowledge or information; becoming aware of and defines the word “receiving” as authoritative, true and accurate; also to come into the possession of; to act as a receptacle or retainer of something... 

I’ve been taught all of my life about the Victory that is mine because of the gift of salvation. As a young girl, I sang of “Victory in Jesus, my Savior forever...” and as an adult, time and again I’ve been reminded through various avenues that I am free to walk in Victory. Victory over those things that hold me back. Time and again, I’ve surrendered that victory for an easier fight-I’ve waved my white flag and settled routinely back into the same old habits, the same need for reassurance or desire to please others and gain acceptance and favor in them.

God began giving me that word on January 1st, but I never wrote it down on my growing list of words at the front of my journal. I’d hear it, and dismiss it. “I know about Victory,” I’d think... I already had my 2018 words. However, It kept coming. I kept dismissing, though I was beginning to think maybe there’s something here... 

On January 7th, at 11:57 p.m., a Spirit led girl, who is more of an acquaintance through a mutual friend, sent me a message. She and I have had no prior conversation about what the Lord has been saying to me about Victory, nor had I spoken with our mutual friend about this. The Lord simply spoke to her about me and she was an obedient vessel of delivery. Her message was simple:

“Hey, so you’ve been on my heart. Obviously a lot. And right now, I can’t sleep it’s weighing on me...

So, I was praying, and I believe there are two things I need to share with you:

1.) You are a light bearer.

2.) Your name means “victory of the people.”

Be encouraged, my sister”

That was it. But did you see it? She had no clue.  VICTORY. Not just Victory, but victory OF the people. Not in the sense that I will be more, have more or do more than other people. Not that all all, but that Christ Jesus, through his endless offering of grace has already supplied me with Victory over the desire to please and find favor from others. My name means VICTORY OF THE PEOPLE. Before I ever entered into this earthly world, a name was chosen for me that would represent the authority He has given me to have Victory in His Name, to walk in Victory, to Victoriously surrender the aim of achieving human acceptance to the One whose acceptance is all I live for-all I truly desire. In Him, I have Victory. Victory to be who I am, who I do desire to be FOR Him, without fear of rejection from others. 

I wrote that word in the front of my journal!!!

At times, I struggle. At the core, I’m a Jesus girl, and my truest desire is to live that out as boldly and confidently as I can. But when I step outside of Victory, I quiet His word in my life, I cower behind fear of rejection and insult. But in Him I have Victory. By Him and through Him I am victorious. 

I’ve always heard about Victory, and known that it was mine. For seasons, I’ve walked in great Victory, and others I have not. Lately though I’m learning the vast difference in hearing and receiving something-and I desire to fully RECEIVE victory. No longer do I want to just be aware of it. No, I accept it as true and accurate. I refuse to just know of Victory. Victory will envelop me, as I allow the Lord to make me a receptacle and container that is overflowing with victory upon victory upon victory. I will live Victory, and when I falter, I will choose Victory. Again and again and again. Not seasons of Victory, but a life of Victory possible only because of how great His love is for me. A possessor of Victory-one who does not cower behind the easier choice, but stands boldly on the truth of The Word of God-even and especially when it costs me acceptance. 

 “But thanks be to God, He gives us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ...” 1 Corinthians 15:57


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