Tiny, Hot & Sweaty Legs

It's 1:07 a.m. and I am awake. I'm awake because there is a tiny hot and sweaty leg up against mine, making me unable to comfortably settle into my slumber. I dislike being hot (and especially sweaty) while I sleep. Or ever. 

I'd scoot him closer to his grown twin, but that space is currently occupied by the smaller version of me, in male form-likely plastered in hot sweatiness to his dad's leg. His dad isn't bothered. In fact, he's snoring. Loudly. 

I want to be annoyed-it's 1:10 now. But I can't be. I can't be annoyed because of a profound thought that has taken up residence in my brain and grown roots there that are currently weaving in and out of my thoughts. 

Many women would give anything to have a tiny, hot and sweaty leg stuck to theirs, keeping them from sleep. Many women would give up everything to have two small ones crammed between her and her (snoring) love. Even just for one night. 

Many women can't. 

I am among those who can-those who often take for granted how precious the gift of being a mother is-how sacred the love that I feel for each one is. 

I get to have my phone calls interrupted 70 times in three minutes, my bed and every other bed in the house wet all in one night, my patience stretched further than I ever knew possible, my house to look like a war zone five minutes...no, five seconds after I've cleaned it, my social life zapped to zilch (save text messages and social media), my alone time with my husband few and far between, my privacy completely invaded, my every thought controlled in and away from their presence, by them, every second of every day. 

I get to have that. A lot of women don't-but I do. 

I get to relish in the joy that comes from squatting down and receiving the hug from little arms that washes away all my troubles, the whispers of "you are my favorite, mommy. You make me happy, mommy". The cries of a small one who so loves being with me, that he doesn't want me to go, the unbelievable fulfilment that comes from studying God's word with them and listening to the big one begin to read from it entirely on his own. I get to wake up to the nose nuzzle and tug of the blanket being pulled off my legs when I'm no longer too hot and sweaty to sleep. I get to feel the beams of happiness that come from playing blocks and crashing our towers, ball games, jumping on the trampoline, hide-n-go seek, tag, making silly faces and more. I get to share affectionate glances with their daddy when they are too cute for words, when they make us proud, and when they are too big for their britches.  

I get to lay down at night, knowing that at some point while we are deep in slumber, the littlest will wiggle his way between us not to be discovered until morning. And on a rare occasion, such as this-the oldest will do the same. 

I get to experience their sunshine when my skies are gray. 

...even when it comes in the form of tiny, hot and sweaty legs. 

Psalm 127:3
"Children are a blessing and a gift from The Lord."


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