What I really want

I've been contemplating lately, what I really want for my children. 

There are many things I want for them. 
I want them to one day marry beautiful, godly women who adore them.
I want them to do well in school and have a positive reputation. 
I want them to be well recognized for good manners. 
I want them to appreciate playing outside and using their imagination. 
I want them to be kind and loving toward others. 
I want them to be respectful to adults always. 
I want them to appreciate the things they have and understand how blessed they are. 
I want them to meet, early on, friends who will stand by their side through their lifetime. 

There are many things I want for them. But one thing overshadows them all, and honestly I believe this one thing will dictate all the others in some form or fashion. 

What do I want for my children? 
I want them to understand early in life the love that God has for them. I want them to know that nothing they do can make him love them any more than he already does, and nothing they do can make Him stop loving them or love them less. I want them to understand that being a Christian isn't about following a list of guidelines to make you a good person. I want them to fall so in love with Jesus, that every part of them aches to live a life that seeks after Him. I don't want them to be nice to people because that's what Christians should do. I want them to be nice to people because their hearts are so connected to Jesus that it would break those precious hearts to treat others badly. I want them to obey their mom and dad, not just because the Bible says so, but because pursuing a real relationship with Jesus compels them to be fully obedient to his Word. I want them to understand that being a Christian doesn't mean that they have it all together and they are better than others because they don't do (fill in the blank...) I want them to understand that being a Christian means recognizing their need for a Savior who offers mercy, grace and forgiveness. I want them to accept those gifts without hesitation, and to believe Him when He says they are his righteousness. I want them to learn early just how much God loves them, and that no matter what they gain and what they lose, nothing compares to the love poured out for them on the cross. 

What do I want for my children? A love affair with Jesus that will leave their hearts longing for nothing, a relationship with their Savior, not a religion full of rules and standards of living. I want for my children to be so completely aware of God's love for them, that they lay down their lives and their own desires to live in obedience to His word and will for their life. 

That's what I want for my children. 


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