Use Your Words
I like to share. I just do. I'm wordy-wordy doesn't even begin to describe what I am, actually. I can take what should be a simple text, email or conversation response and turn it into a novel with all the details and information painted in my mind. Sometimes I get on my own nerves. I really do. So, I know I get on yours...but that's ok. It's who I am and it's how God made me and I embrace it. I'm thankful for those, such as one wonderful friend, who have told me that it's part of what makes me me and part of what makes her love me so much. I just love to tell. Tell this, tell that. I like to tell. I especially like to tell about those I love and cherish. I often find myself sharing how blessed I feel I am by my husband. He rocks. Is he perfect? Not by a long stretch. Does he annoy me sometimes? Absolutely. Do I annoy him? Never. ...