Quiet Moments
2014 was an unusually quiet year for our family. I don't mean quiet as it relates to noise-trust me, there's rarely any of that sort of quiet around here, but rather the sort of quiet that sums up a year void of medical emergencies, financial difficulties, major home repairs, or involuntary loss of personal property. We suffered no unimaginable circumstances, faced no heartbreak, and experienced no grief. Quite gratefully, we experienced a year that just didn't carry some of the hardships we've faced in previous years. On the contrary, 2014 brought many happy and celebratory moments for our family.
As 2015 crept upon us, I found myself feeling thankful for the year behind us. It was a fruitful year.
I've shared before, my tendency to draw nearer to The Lord during the difficult times in my life-those moments that bring me to my knees, where I'm fully aware that I could not face the next obstacle without my Jesus leading me. With the exception of one seemingly minor situation, (I will spare you the details of one child's bowel issues), life has presented nothing in 2014 so as to demand that I cling so tightly to Jesus. I have almost longed for the heartbreak at times, for the brokenness that gently restores my heart to it's rightful place of complete want for a Savior that brings peace, comfort and mercy to the wounded.
While embracing these quiet moments of our life, I'm prayerfully seeking God with a desire that in all moments, whether in blessing or in pain, I would so desperately ache for Him, that even a day out of step with Him, even one morning without time in His Word and prayer would break me. As I seek Him more and more, my desire for 2015 is just to know Him more deeply.
God is faithful to answer the prayers of those who earnestly seek Him, and I'm seeing that played out in my life so much right now. On the outside, you still see me. The same old me, except with a few added pounds at the moment. On the inside, however, God is faithfully doing a new work. Big Daddy Weave well describes the inner thoughts of my heart and mind right now, "I delight myself in You, captivated by Your beauty, and God I run into your arms, unashamed because of mercy, I'm overwhelmed, I'm overwhelmed by You..."
My heart's prayer for 2015 is simply to follow Jesus, to know Him fully and through doing so, show His love without fail to all who cross my path.
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