Dear Dad

Ten years ago tonight, I was spending my last night at home under the roof of the home I grew up in. My last night at home as "Daddy's little girl..." I can remember being a mess of emotions. Mostly excited for the day to come, but also strange mixtures of sadness here and there for a chapter of my life, the life I had always known, that I would be leaving behind as I departed at 5 a.m. the next morning to be made beautiful for my groom. My wedding day was bar none the happiest day of my life. It poured all day long, and though it wasn't what I would have chosen, it was still perfect for us. The love of my life waiting for me at the alter where we both made a public profession of faith to Jesus as our Savior was almost more than I could handle. Elation doesn't even begin to describe what I was feeling. I was so in love and so ready to start the next chapter of my life. I wouldn't change a minute of our wedding day, except perhaps one of the most important ...