The List is Long

The list was long. 

Wash all the laundry. Take a load to Goodwill. Clean out my closet. Put some tubs of baby clothes in the attic. Repair the rotting cabinets under the sink. Finish filling out paper work from identity theft. Switch cable companies to one with channels more suitable for the boys. (And  NFL Sunday ticket).  Write out a plan for implementing five small healthy/snack meals for next week so I can begin to unpack all I've packed on. Make the menu for next week and grocery shop. 

The list was long. The list is still long. 

Those were the ideas I tossed around in my head of what could be accomplished this weekend, but none of them were. And I am so glad. 

Instead, an afternoon nap and a fun Friday night with some of our best friends and all the kiddos, which included the perfect laughter of a one year old beauty and a two year old charmer, who chased one another round and round. Laughter I wanted to bottle up and release an ounce at a time the next time I had a day like I'd had earlier. Complete comfort. Their laughter, and our laughter-so much laughter. Laughter that healed. 

Saturday morning dawned and the list was long. I'd conquer one thing, for sure 

Instead, breakfast out with my boys and my love and a hair cut for the littlest cutie in our house. An afternoon of building blocks and laughing with our children. Beautiful laughter. Laughter that heals. 

A lone pedicure for one mommy, who daddy said deserved it and a solo trip to Walmart to boot. Then, an evening with a brother, sister, and grandparents. Chicken dip. Ruckus (our favorite card game). Wings. Pizza. Football. Wrestling. Homemade ice cream and laughter. Lots of it. Laughter that heals. 

The list was still long. 

Sunday morning, and the plan is set. After church I will start on that laundry then I will load up the items for Goodwill. 

Instead, a beautiful morning of worship with our church family. The gift of watching one of Walker's best friends be baptized.  Leftover pizza, wings and chicken dip. Excitement, filled with laughter, when we told the boys we were taking an impromptu trip to the river for the day. Laughter. Lots of it. Laughter that heals. 

A day spent riding mini rapids, hopping rocks, and sitting in pools of "white" capped shin deep water, taking pics, spending time with family, making memories and so much laughter. Lots of it. Laughter that heals. (Especially when Daddy & Aunt Christie busted their tushies, but that's besides the point) 

The list. Still there. Long as could be, growing in fact, as we dirtied more laundry. 

Ribs on the grill, at the grandparents cream with sprinkles in waffle cones. One small boy who turns any object into a microphone, finds himself at the table with an ice cream scoop in hand. A song and a dance burst out, first from him, but his excitement is contagious. Grandmommy next, and the rest follow suit. Fingers snapping, hips swaying, hands clapping, and off tune singing abounds accompanied by laughter at the table. Lots of it. Laughter that heals. 

Home at last and there lies my list. Still long. Nothing crossed off. A long, long list...will have to wait. Snuggle time and a movie with my Prince Charming awaits, as our miniature blessings are tucked away until morning. 

Tomorrow will dawn, pretty and clear with a long list of things to accomplish as the work week draws near. 

At the end of the day when we're falling asleep the list will still sit, entirely incomplete. For tomorrow will be spend with yet another side of our family, climbing up into tree houses and sliding down, playing on water slides, riding golf carts, having family tennis matches, homemade ice cream, chasing cousins on the playground (or relaxing while the gramps do) and laughter. So much laughter. Lots of it. Laughter that heals. 

The list was long. The list will still be long. But time, time is short. The moments pass by too quickly. 

Family. Friends. Memories. Laughter. Lots of it. Laughter that heals-that's what life is made of. 

The list is still long, and I am so glad. 


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