That's Just How We Roll

Our family has very recently been the victim of theft. Again. This time it's a little different than when our van was stolen from our driveway. This time, our privacy was invaded on a much more personal level. This time, the hands of thieves touched clothes hanging in my closet, socks and underwear tucked away in our drawers. Their hands touched a precious gift someone gave us that has photos of my children on it, in order to take something plugged in behind it.  Their fingerprints are all over our home and could very easily be on our hearts if we allowed it. 

Thankfully none of us were home, and we are all safe. All glory to God for that most important detail. 

When something like this happens to you, especially twice, I think it could be easy to harbor bitterness and live in fear. And if I am being honest, both times this has occurred, those two things were my initial reaction.  

However, bitterness and fear bring darkness and anger and those two things have no place in our life and our home. You see, we have hope in the One true God. Though we feel and experience typical human emotions, we will not allow those things to reign in our life. 

To live in fear of what could happen next, to be ill at ease in our own home, those are things that magnify evil. Those are things that say, "we are alone and no good can come from this..."  That's simply not our belief. 

The very first time Cliff and I experienced trauma together was when we miscarried, and we made a commitment then, that whatever this world threw at us, whatever direction it pointed us in, we would in turn point to Christ. This is no different. 

Satan is the father of fear, of deception, of evil, darkness and resentment. God is the father of security, comfort, faithfulness, all things good, happiness and forgiveness.  

In this home and this family, Satan will be shunned. God will be glorified. We will NOT be shaken. Satan should know by now, that THIS IS HOW WE ROLL. 

God is just bigger than this. 

So, we've put our home back together, we've been in it as a family. We've sang praises to God and focused on verses from His word that remind us that we do not have to be afraid. We've talked about how blessed we are that no one was hurt and how we now have another testimony to stand firm in our belief that our God is greater and that goodness always triumphs. 

We've literally circled our home 

(in prayer asking God's protection and peace over our home and our family and thanking Him for our safety and the way He has blessed us this far. No, that isn't ridiculous. Its quite simply how we are choosing to move forward and respond in faith. 

And when we are tempted to wish ill-fated things toward those who have once again violated our privacy and caused us grief, we remember the example Jesus set for us on the cross when the thief called on His name. "Truly I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise." So we pray instead for God's forgiving hand to touch their lives, that they too would come to know the glory of His salvation through Jesus Christ. 

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

Joshua 1:9



(This was written over a week ago, before we learned that I was also the victim of identity theft. So, stayed tuned...there's more in store!)


  1. “You come at me with sword and spear and battle-ax. I come at you in the name of God-of-the-Angel-Armies!"
    1 Samuel 17:45

    We will not be shaken!

    Love you and love this!


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