Recently, my pastor spoke one simple sentence that has taken hold of my heart and hasn't loosened it's grip since. "We have [His promised] peace as Christ followers, but it is up to use how we cultivate this fruit..." When we enter into relationship with Jesus, He freely gifts us with His peace, but how thoroughly that is manifested throughout our lives is in our hands. In other words, whether it lies dormant, or whether it brings the life that is intended, is determined by how dependent we are on it, how well we utilize the gift of peace He's given us. Peace in my circumstances, in the "bigger" areas of life seems to come fairly easy to me. When we've faced difficult roads as a family, the loss of our first baby, and other various trials, I've basked in the comfort of God's peace throughout the hardship and healing. I know that peace that passes all understanding... There's one area, however, where I've had a lifelong struggle...