CFA Cookies = SATISFACTION (don't they?)

Cravings. We all have them. What do you crave? I weighed today for the first time in a week hoping to see some progress from all my calorie counting and daily exercising I’ve been doing. There was progress alright. Just not in the downward direction. I felt instant frustration. I climbed into the shower feeling defeated. I’ve been working so hard! I’ve felt good about myself and my choices. Interestingly enough, I didn’t feel fat. Just defeated. I wanted the satisfaction of seeing progress on the scale. Boy was I disappointed. My dominating thought throughout the morning was, “When I get to work I am just going to eat that cookies-n-cream pop tart that’s been sitting in my desk drawer that I’ve resisted the last three weeks. What’s the point, anyway?” It’s funny how God starts working in your heart in an area that you don’t even know needs work before you even realize what He’s doing...