
Showing posts from January, 2015

CFA Cookies = SATISFACTION (don't they?)

 Cravings.  We all have them.  What do you crave?  I weighed today for the first time in a week hoping to see some progress from all my calorie counting and daily exercising I’ve been doing.  There was progress alright.  Just not in the downward direction. I felt instant frustration.  I climbed into the shower feeling defeated.  I’ve been working so hard!  I’ve felt good about myself and my choices.  Interestingly enough, I didn’t feel fat.  Just defeated.  I wanted the satisfaction of seeing progress on the scale.  Boy was I disappointed.  My dominating thought throughout the morning was, “When I get to work I am just going to eat that cookies-n-cream pop tart that’s been sitting in my desk drawer that I’ve resisted the last three weeks.  What’s the point, anyway?”  It’s funny how God starts working in your heart in an area that you don’t even know needs work before you even realize what He’s doing...


My husband was scheduled to teach the youth aged class during our 8:30 service at church this morning, therefore he would be attending the 10:00 service for worship. My plan was to meet him at the 10:00 service. I was excited to sit with him in church this morning. I realized after he left, that I couldn't remember the last time we actually sat side by side during our worship service due to both serving in various areas of ministry at church between the two services.  Beyond being excited to just be heading to God's house this morning, I was thrilled to know I could squish my shoulder up against Cliff's arm (cause let's be honest, I'm way too short to sit shoulder to shoulder). Just love any chance I get to sit alongside my husband and grow in our relationship with Christ together.  I was calling out orders around 9:45, "Walker get your jacket, Will put your tablet down.." when the front door opened, nearly giving me a heart attack. I wasn't expecting ...

Quiet Moments

2014 was an unusually quiet year for our family. I don't mean quiet as it relates to noise-trust me, there's rarely any of that sort of quiet around here, but rather the sort of quiet that sums up a year void of medical emergencies, financial difficulties, major home repairs, or involuntary loss of personal property. We suffered no unimaginable circumstances, faced no heartbreak, and experienced no grief.  Quite gratefully, we experienced a year that just didn't carry some of the hardships we've faced in previous years. On the contrary, 2014 brought many happy and celebratory moments for our family.  As 2015 crept upon us, I found myself feeling thankful for the year behind us. It was a fruitful year.   I've shared before, my tendency to draw nearer to The Lord during the difficult times in my life-those moments that bring me to my knees, where I'm fully aware that I could not face the next obstacle without my Jesus leading me. With the exception of one seemingl...