
Showing posts from September, 2013

Lay Me Down

I caught a glimpse of His glory recently.  I was on the treadmill, nothing particular on my mind-just enjoying the feeling of doing something healthy for myself, when I had a flashback. A flashback of a year or two ago, to a time when I really didn't like myself very much and there was a good bit of "ugly" in my heart. A time where my actions, words, thoughts, feelings and emotions were driven mostly be insecurity. A time when I sought human approval and acceptance above the unconditional and freely given love, grace and acceptance of my Savior.  Scripture tells us, that "a good man brings out good things from the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings out evil things from the evil stored in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of." Around a year ago, I began to do a bit of inventory in my own life, a heart check, we can call it. I knew there were some evil things lurking in my heart-some unforgiveness that was crippling me, some r...


We were driving down the road the other day on our way to CFA for our school's spirit night, and we were chatting about our day. Things got quiet at a red light, and then Walker said, "Mommy, some of my friends won't listen to me when I tell them about Jesus."   He sounded so sad.  I asked him what he meant and he said, "They won't listen to me about Jesus. They think when you die alls that happens is you turn into a skeleton." I would love to be a fly on the playground (where I assume these conversations take place) when he talks to his friends about Jesus.  I can't help but wonder what he says. I know he understands the need for salvation, and it thrills my soul that he love his friends so much that he tells them about Jesus too.  I talked to him, the best I could with him being five, about how the Bible is clear that the Christian life will be difficult. That he has chosen to live his life in a way that at times won't be "popular" am...

The List is Long

The list was long.  Wash all the laundry. Take a load to Goodwill. Clean out my closet. Put some tubs of baby clothes in the attic. Repair the rotting cabinets under the sink. Finish filling out paper work from identity theft. Switch cable companies to one with channels more suitable for the boys. (And  NFL Sunday ticket).  Write out a plan for implementing five small healthy/snack meals for next week so I can begin to unpack all I've packed on. Make the menu for next week and grocery shop.  The list was long. The list is still long.  Those were the ideas I tossed around in my head of what could be accomplished this weekend, but none of them were. And I am so glad.  Instead, an afternoon nap and a fun Friday night with some of our best friends and all the kiddos, which included the perfect laughter of a one year old beauty and a two year old charmer, who chased one another round and round. Laughter I wanted to bottle up and release an ounce at a time the ne...