What my Father Does
I woke up this morning, and my first thought was of Peter stepping out of the boat in the Scripture in Matthew about Jesus walking on water. Ok, full disclosure...my actual first thought was, "I'm going to Dunkin..." but then after that, I thought about Peter. I don't always wake up super spiritual, but I do often wake up super hungry! As I was driving, I just began walking through this scripture in my head, asking the Lord what he had for me in it. I have spent a lot of time camped out in Matthew 14, over the years. I know this scripture inside and out, and yet even this morning, God revealed more to me. I love how living and active His Word is, fluid to the core. Let me give you the CSV (Cole's shortened version). The disciples had just witnessed Jesus feed over 5,000 people from five loaves of bread and two fish. They were fresh off of a miracle experience as they boarded the boat at Jesus's command. I am sure at this point, they were wil...