
Showing posts from April, 2019

Hey Moms, let’s agree...

There’s something that’s been on my heart and mind a bit lately, and I think surely it’s not just me that is bothered by this. I believe at the core, we all truly want to offer love and support to one another, but we so easily fall into the habit of criticizing things that we don’t understand, or ways that are different than the way we choose. Specifically, I’m talking about “momming” right now-you know, the act of mothering, in case my slang isn’t clear to you. :) With the rise of social media over the last couple of decades, there are so many vessels of awareness that weren’t available to the generations that came before. I’m sure momming had its own set of struggles then, but I’m not certain any generation prior to the one raising kids in the age of technology and social media experienced the pressures and opinions  quite like we do. It’s nothing to scroll Facebook and see articles posted about the “right” way to raise your children. Topics such as breast or bottle, which is...

We Are Not Judas

I shared a post that I quickly read on Facebook the other day.  On the surface, and without much thought, it looked good.  I liked it.  It was a neat concept.  I shared it.  And for the most part, it was good.  Most of it was agreeable. I am not sure who the original poster was.  I don't know them.  I saw it shared many times by people I do know. Here is the post I shared: There's a lot I liked about this post when I originally read it. I don't disagree with most parts of it.  I'm just here to offer a different perspective that I believe the Holy Spirit whispered to me through wise council.    It's true, that like Judas, we have betrayed Jesus, we have exchanged righteousness and faithfulness for worldly treasures.  Yes, we have surely sat at His table, soaking in his words, and walked right out into temptation that ultimately led to a conscience choice of sin.  In the garden of Gethsemane when Jesus prayed, surely...