You've heard the saying, "I've got a good heart, but this mouth..." That resonates with me. Y'all, I swear the very depths of my heart desire to honor God with my words, actions and thoughts, but so often this mouth of mine gets in the way. And out of that mouth comes the overflow of this heart-the one that yearns for complete surrender to Jesus, and yet so often wanders off on it's own selfish path. Help me, Jesus. Y'all just don't even know how often I have to pray, "Bind my wandering heart to thee..." I've shared with you that my word right now is change. I've also shared with you how much I don't like change. So, it's ironic and totally God's way, that He'd speak this word over me. Even crazier, that He'd prompt my heart to pray for change. I don't like change! Change is hard and scary and difficult Remember the spiritual things I said about change in my last post when...