While I Wait
I've been in a place of steady wait for a little while now. Over the course of the last few years, I've heard the Lord speak to me about a direction He will take my life. Others, who knew nothing of what I'd felt Him speak to me, have confirmed through their words to me, that they see the Lord moving me in that direction as well. I've dipped my toes into the waters of what's to come, and it's exhilarating. Those moments where the tides of change rushed over me, gave me a new sense of living. New passions ignited, opportunities given, and words of affirmation spoken over me in those moments gave me glimpses into what will be. Then, as quickly as the tides of change rushed in, the waters pulled back. Thus began the season of now, the season of wait. It's not been easy. In fact, it's been quite frustrating at times, including now, if I'm being honest. I'm hungry for more. I thirst for fulfillment of what's been revealed. I'm ready to be us...