Cat In The Manger
I read an article this morning about a cat napping in a manger at a church in England. The clickbait that caught my attention read something like, "cat kicks baby Jesus out of manger for a nap, world goes wild..." As I read along, I was pretty entertained, as this cat is apparently the resident church cat. She gets into various types of church mischief. She once jumped into a coffin, which banned her from funerals. But, the further I read the more I realized the click bait I had fallen for-the world wasn't going wild at all. At least not in the sense that I interpreted it to be. On the contrary, like myself, the church people were pretty entertained by the cat's latest stunt of kicking baby Jesus out of the manger to nap. And though that's a silly thing, one that makes animal lovers all over the world giggle, it made me think. Today, who is in my manger? Who is in your manger? What, church people, are we entertaining ourselves with? Like the cat, how often do w...