Just For The Taste Of It...
After a few determined months of going without, I picked up a Diet Coke again this month. It started as just one because I "needed" it, and with that sip I was reminded of how much I enjoy that calorie-less slight burn of the bubble on my tongue that is Diet Coke. It felt good. It tasted good. I've no doubt it's an addiction-one I've laid down twice now and picked back up. This time it had only been a few short months. I've gone as long as nine months without the "just for the taste of it" satisfaction once before picking one back up in a moment of weakness. Here's the thing-as much as I enjoy the taste and immediate results of the drink, I don't at all enjoy the lasting effects. I've been without, and I know overall I feel so much better mentally and physically when I'm not drinking that mess. It holds me back, makes me tired. Keeps me from being the best physical and mental version of myself. When I shook the habit, I felt like I ...