Don't Pluck The Nose Hairs!

Have you ever looked at someone else and wondered why you can't be as (fill in the blank) as they are? Why can't I be as thoughtful as her? How come she seems to be able to balance motherhood, a healthy lifestyle, caring for the downtrodden, and serving others cheerfully and with such grace and I can hardly get my own people out the door dressed and in one piece, five to ten minutes late to wherever we're headed? Much less think to pick up a card or deliver dinner to someone having a rough stint. Why can't I this? Why don't I that? It's been said... ...and can I get an AMEN? It's so easy this day in age to compare ourselves to others with all the publicity we give our daily ins and outs on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and the like. As good as social media can be, it can also be one of the Enemy's greatest tools in bringing down the spirit of God's people. On the contrary, we don't necessarily need social media to inform us of all our self per...