Sifted As Wheat
In the book of Luke, chapter 22 verses 31-34 we get a front row seat to Jesus telling one of his most faithful followers, Simon Peter, that very soon he would betray Jesus. He told Simon Peter, "Satan has asked to sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers." A few things stand out to me here. First, Satan asked to manipulate Peter and Jesus allowed him to do so. Second, Jesus prayed for Peter that his faith would not fail and that when he turned back he would strengthen his brothers. This is significant because it illustrates to us that when we sin, just as Simon Peter did, that does not mean our faith has failed. It does not mean we lose our salvation in Jesus and endless supply of grace. We are separated from God for a season until repentance, but we never lose our assurance of eternal life because of a flawed moment of judgement. He always welcomes us back to him. T...