A New Song
Have you ever been broken before the Lord? I mean truly broken? This morning in church, we were singing one of my all time favorite worship songs. It's been a while since we've sang it, and I was excited to hear the strumming of chords on the guitar, as our new worship leader, Victoria, transitioned into "Forever Reign." I had no idea what the Lord had in store for me at that moment. I've been praying lately for a clean heart. If you've followed my writing for years, you may know this is not the first time I've felt this pressing need to just come clean before God, to allow Him to purify me from the inside out. (It won't be the last, either) I'm in need of a good cleaning, and I've been sitting in my own yuck for a little bit now. The chorus to the song came, and I found myself with my arms lifted and voice bellowing, "my heart will sing, no other name..." but just before I could sing the next word, I broke down. "Jesus....