
Showing posts from July, 2014

What I Would Have Missed

I sat with my boys in the play place area of our local McDonalds, talking as we were eating, and I noticed that we were the only customers seated in that area who were actively engaged in conversation with one another.   Sure, others were engaged in conversation-some via text, some speaking with someone on the phone, others casually perusing Facebook or other various forms of social media while their children played. Communicating for sure, but not with those who actually accompanied them.  Around a year ago, we made a family rule  (I will even go as far as to call it a commitment) that when we dine together as a family (as in just the four of us) in public places that we will not entertain ourselves with electronics, but rather focus on growing as a family during this time. It wasn't a popular rule at first, by anyone's standards. But it's grown on us. We wanted to teach our boys the importance of such habits as waiting patiently on food and enjoying their surroundings i...