A follow up...
It's been on my mind today, this paragraph I wrote in my blog post last night... " Taking the Lord's name in vain is not something that comes natural to me. It's just not something I practice. Some may read this and think I'm being ridiculous-"it's just an expression, a saying" they may argue. I disagree." It's not often I publish before being fully confident I have said what I intended to say, and last night wasn't an exception necessarily...this is just a follow up. My thoughts were moving faster than my fingers (which I am convinced are affected by carpal tunnel) and I didn't finish my point. When I say it isn't a struggle, I don't mean I never use the term. I also don't mean I never have typed OMG in a text. I surely have. Just today, in my classroom, I caught myself utter "Lord..." under my breath in frustration at someone not listening to me. When I say it's not a struggle, I mean it doesn't consu...